12th German Film Festival
5–10 December 2013
Сегодня я блондинка
Heute bin ich blond
Countries: Germany, Belgium
Year: 2013
Director: Marc Rothemund
Cast: Lisa Tomaschewsky, Karoline Teska, David Rott
Genres: drama, comedy
Language: German
Translation: Russian subtitles
Time: 1 hour 57 minutes
Возраст: +
At 21 years old, Sophie is a young, energetic student whose life plans are interrupted by a rare form of cancer. But with the help of nine wigs, Sophie rejects the limitations of her diagnosis, as well as the limitations of identity, as she uses each one in turn to become a different version of herself: Cute, girlish Daisy. Enigmatic, sensual Oema. Sue, who can dance and flirt the night away. Stella. Blondie. Platina. Pam. Lydia. Bebé. Sophie is no object of pity, but a person who actively determines how she engages with her new world, and how the rest of the world engages with her.
Awards and festivals:
Berlin Film Festival - participation
Seattle International Film Festival - participation
Rio-de-Janeiro Film Festival - participation
Giffoni Valle Piana International Film Festival - participation
8 December, Sunday