Norwegian Film Festival
Saint Petersburg
15–18 October 2015
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Moscow
General Consulate of the Kingdom of Norway
Norwegian Film Institute

Choose city for details:
- Murmansk : 15–18 October 2015
- St. Petersburg : 15–18 October 2015
- Moscow : 14–21 October 2015

Против природы
Mot naturen
Country: Norway
Year: 2014
Director: Ole Giæver
Cast: Ole Giæver, Rebekka Nystabakk, Marte Magnusdotter Solem
Genres: comedy, drama
Language: Norwegian
Translation: russian subtitles
Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Возраст: 18+
Martin is clearly out of place both in his office, and at home with his wife and son. As he embarks on a trek searching for solace in the stunning Norwegian wilderness, he can't seem to find peace: his incessant stream of thoughts are endlessly commenting and fantasising about disturbing what ifs: what if he got a divorce? What if his wife died? What if he were a cripple? As the day stretches on, Martin prepares for a drastic change of pace amidst the wildlife in what is both a considered and consistently humorous portrayal of how easy it is to feel alienated in a very stable life.
Awards and festivals:
Berlin Film Festival - Label Europa Cinemas Award
Kosmorama, Trondheim Internasjonale Filmfestival - Best Actor
Edinbourgh International Film Festival - participation
18 October, Sunday