Was hat uns bloß so ruiniert (2016)

comedy, drama

Three couples who are friends decide to all become parents at the same time.

Kästner und der kleine Dienstag (2016)

drama, biography

In 1931, when "Emil und die Detektive" is made into a film and renders its creator a famous man, an unusual friendship develops.

Die Nacht der 1000 Stunden (2016)


When the ambitious Philip takes over the running of the family business from his father, he finds himself confronted by the mysterious reappearance of his dead ancestors.

Die neuen Filme aus Österreich

Each of the five films in this year’s New Austrian Cinema program touches upon a connection between art and history, past and present. Most of the films are based on actual events and are devoted to real-life figures of historical importance, artist Egon Schiele and writers Stefan Zweig and Erich Kaestner among them. Die Nach der 1000 Stunden is concerned with literal connection between past and present, while Was hat uns bloss su ruiniert looks to the future.