
Year: 2020
Country: Hungary, Belgium, Romania
Director: Ágnes Kocsis
Cast: Lana Barić, Daan Stuyven, Bocskor-Salló Lóránt, Maja Roberti, Szabolcs Thuróczy ("Tiszta szívvel", "Drakulics Elvtárs")
Genre: drama
Runtime: 153 min.
Age: 18+
A film about humankind having nowhere to escape from itself.

Éva is allergic to all kinds of chemical substances, air pollution, radio waves and electronic fields.  She needs to live in total isolation and can have no contact with her environment. The slightest mistake may cause her death. Her only relations are with her brother and the doctors continuously experimenting on her. One day a psychiatrist comes to investigate if her illness is real or exists only in Éva’s mind. Will love be enough to save her?

Awards & Festivals:

Rotterdam International Film Festival – participation
Göteborg Film Festival – participation 
Ghent International Film Festival – Nominee: Grand Prix (Best Film)
Minsk International Film Festival “Listapad” – Nominee: Grand Prix Golden Listapad (Best Film)
T-Mobile New Horizons International Film Festival, Poland – Nominee: Grand Prix (International Competition)
Thessaloniki Film Festival – participation 
Hungarian Film Week – participation