It’s a morning just like any other on one of Madrid’s popular squares. A few passers-by are sitting in a bar having a quick breakfast while others enjoy their first drink of the day. Suddenly, one of the customers is shot in the head and killed as he is leaving the bar. Another customer rushes to his aid but he too is fatally wounded and collapses on the street. Horrified, everyone tries to make sense of the incomprehensible events. Why are there suddenly no people in the square in front of the bar? Is there a sniper on one of the adjoining roofs who is firing at anyone who appears in his sights? Or could the perpetrator be in the bar itself? Anyone here could be the murderer and anyone their next victim.
Вадим Рутковский
11 July 2017
«Эксперимент «Офис», «Дикая история», «Берлинский синдром»: обзор новинок кинопроката