Year: 2022
Country: Austria
Director: Claudia Larcher
Genre: animation, short
Runtime: 6 min.
The self is an elusive thing. It exists, is essential, present, active, and yet we cannot grasp it. This film tries, never- theless. From 350 photographs of herself and using artificial intelligence (GAN: Generative Adversarial Network), Clau- dia Larcher generates a constantly mor- phing, distorting and deforming self-por- trait. At first, the overlapping images of a baby, a child, a woman, seem to be a chronological description of a person. But soon they become more abstract, appear deformed, grimace-like. Mean- while, off-screen, an artificial voice reflects on the self: a fragmentary nar- ration generated from excerpts of con- versations between the filmmaker and several chatbots. An experimental re- flection on the self in a constant state of becoming, never still enough to be com- pletely tangible.
Awards & Festivals:
Diagonale Film Festival – participation