Two young boys run away from their mother's protection and slackline on the danger of war to play music with the instrument they always dreamt to have.
PickurFlick Indie Film Festival - Best Director (Animation)
How does time pass – waiting, hoping, fearing – after a long escape, in search for a little piece of future? A “container village” for refugees at the borders of town. People who left everything behind and still cannot forget anything of what the've lived through.
During a dance rehearsal, Jonas receives the instruction to kiss his dance partner and secret crush Mira. He is so busy hiding his insecurities, that he doesn’t even notice how similiar Mira experiences the situation.
An accidental meeting in an elevator at a department store leads two older women to their limits and forces them to improvise by the time the elevator gets stuck.
San Sebastian International Film Festival - Best School Sgort Film
QueerLisboa Film Festival - Best Student Short
Berlin Film Festival - participation
Locarno International Film Festival - participation
Mr and Mrs Müller have been together for 45 years. Although Mr Müller is a quadriplegic who lost his ability to speak and move almost 18 years ago, he and his wife have not lost their enthusiasm for talking to each other.
Germany, fall 2015. A never-ending flow of arrivals, news, emotions, fears, images. And us? Somewhere in between. The German Angst of the unknown – a reluctant dialogue.
A heartbreaking story of a father who has to flee with his daughter from war in Syria. To protect her from the traumatic events of such exhausting, dangerous journey, he plays a game and convinces her to believe that they would travel to the moon.
A man who receives a treasure map by accident is now looking for the treasure. Whilst searching he has to deal with gangsters, a devious widow, a corrupt policeman and a pretty policewoman - no, she doesn't matter.
Two male, glowing creatures start a fight over trying to impress a female. Each one of them wants to win her over by giving a better light show than his competitor. They are on fire - until one gets burned.
A story about having to grow up and beeing allowed to remain a child.