
Year: 2024
Country: India, USA
Director: Anirban Dutta, Anupama Srinivasan
Genre: documentary
Runtime: 83 min.
Age: 12+
In the dense forests of the Eastern Himalayas, moths are whispering something to us. In the dark of night, two curious observers shine a light on this secret universe. Deep in the pitch-black forest, a few hundred moths are drawn by a single source of illumination to a piece of hung canvas. Only through this intimate examination can their existence, and the happenings of their world, be made visible. Though moth life spans are measured in hours and represent only a small amount of the immense biodiversity of their species, in these small beings lies a history of our planet. With a transportive and experiential visual style and immersive sound that brings you to a place few people can travel, co-directors Anirban Dutta and Anupama Srinivasan’s Nocturnes gives us a multimillennia vision of time nearly beyond our human-scale perception.

Awards & Festivals:

Sundance Film Festival - World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award
Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival - WWF Award (Best Film in the Habitat Section)
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival - participation
Dokufest International Documentary and Short Film Festival - participation
Docville - participation