Makoto Shinkai, born as Makoto Niitsu (born March 9, 1973) is a Japanese director of anime and former graphic designer. A native of the Nagano Prefecture, Shinkai studied Japanese literature at Chuo University where he was a member of juvenile literature club where he drew picture books. He traces his passion for creation to the manga, anime, and novels he was exposed to while in middle school. His favorite anime is Castle in the Sky by Hayao Miyazaki. Shinkai has been called "The New Miyazaki" in several reviews including Anime Advocates and ActiveAnime, comparisons which he calls an "overestimation".
Your Name, released in 2016, was a huge commercial success, especially in Japan, and became a new anime box office champion, behind Spirited Away,
New film by Makoto Shinkai,an anime
Tenki no ko (2019), was selected as the Japanese entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 92nd Academy Awards.